Entrepreneur Spotlight: Tia Parnell, Educator & Creator of Back to School Party

In the world of education, challenges are plenty, but so are the passionate individuals working tirelessly to overcome them. When we connect with like-minded educators and entrepreneurs, magic happens. Ideas flourish, resources multiply, and the impact we can make grows exponentially.

This brings me to an inspiring edu-preneur I'd like to spotlight today: Tia Parnell

Tia is a French immersion teacher in Ontario with six years of classroom experience. I had the pleasure of learning about her work through a mutual friend and teacher-gram, we recently connected and I learned so much more about why she is doing what she is doing and how she plans to change the profession - for the better.

French immersion teachers often face a unique challenge: a scarcity of resources. Recognizing this, Tia initially began creating and sharing resources with her fellow educators. But she didn't stop there. In 2022, Tia took a bold step forward. She launched an Instagram live series where teachers could share insights, resources, and ideas specifically tailored to support French teachers. This initiative not only provided much-needed resources but also created a vibrant community for French educators.

This year, Tia continued to grow the community. She created a virtual online summit called ‘Back to School Party’ where 23 teachers will share their insights, strategies, and resources on the hottest topics in education! Not only is this teacher-certified to be ‘PD that does not suck’, but you can also access it entirely for free!

⭐️ SIGN UP HERE and join thousands of teachers from August 28-30th! ⭐️
+ If you upgrade to a paid pass, you’ll get lifetime access to the content and extra resources as well as a session from me on how to supercharge your teaching with collaboration! 📚

Now what inspires me about Tia's story is her ability to identify a critical need in education and without fear of doing it right, or knowing exactly what to do, set out to tackle this problem.

My experience meeting her and working together perfectly illustrates why connecting with problem-solvers in your field is so crucial:

  1. Shared Insights: When we connect with others tackling similar challenges, we gain new perspectives and ideas we might never have considered on our own.

  2. Resource Multiplication: As Tia demonstrated, when educators come together, resources grow. One person's idea can inspire and benefit many.

  3. Community Support: The journey of an educator or an edtech entrepreneur can sometimes feel isolating. Finding your people provides not just practical support, but emotional encouragement too.

  4. Amplified Impact: By connecting and collaborating, we can reach and positively impact far more students and teachers than we ever could alone.

As we are in the FINAL stretch before launching our platform, stories like Tia's remind us of the immense potential that lies in connecting passionate educators. They reinforce our commitment to creating tools that make collaboration easier and more effective.

To all the educators and edtech entrepreneurs out there: never underestimate the power of connecting with others who share your passion. Whether it's through platforms like ours, social media initiatives like Tia's, or local meetups, reach out and find your people. Together, we can transform education and provide better support for teachers and students alike.


Synergy in Schools: Fostering Effective Teacher Collaboration


I pitched at C-Tribe X Tech Festival & gained a community of support!