Privacy Policy

CoLab's mission is to create a collaborative environment where teachers thrive, together. Protecting your privacy is fundamental to our mission and business.

In the furtherance of this mission, security and privacy are top priorities for us. We try to make everything we build as seamless as possible, and our privacy program is no exception. Depending on your interaction with CoLab, different privacy statements may apply.  Please read the descriptions below carefully in order to understand which privacy statement applies, and how we collect, use, and share your informationn:

CoLab General Privacy Statement – This privacy statement addresses CoLab’s practices with respect to personal information CoLab collects associated with: 

  1. Your use of CoLab’s website and social media pages that link to the General Privacy Statement, 

  2. Your interactions with CoLab at CoLab-sponsored events or in-person meetings at CoLab’s offices, during the course of any sales or marketing activities with CoLab’s representatives, and 

  3. Where CoLab receives professional services from its vendors.

CoLab Applicant Privacy Statement – If you are applying for a job at CoLab, the Applicant Privacy Statement addresses CoLab’s practices with respect to personal information you submit as part of the application process.

About this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement provides information as to CoLab’s  “CoLab”, “we”, or “us”) practices related to the collection, use, storage, protection, disclosure, and disposal (collectively referred to as “processing”) of personal information in connection with (i) your use of CoLab’s website and social media pages that link to this Privacy Statement, (ii) your attendance at CoLab’s offices, events, or other sales and marketing activities whether they be initiated online, over the phone, or in-person, and (iii) information relating to employees of service providers who provide business or professional services to CoLab.

This Privacy Statement has been divided into the following sections:

  • Scope

  • Types of Personal Information We Process

  • How We Use Your Personal Information

  • Consent 

  • Our Use of Marketing Technology and Disclosure of Personal Information

  • Your Rights 

  • Contacting CoLab’s Privacy Officer

  • Changes to This Privacy Statement

The aim of this Privacy Statement is to provide clear and concise explanations of what information CoLab collects about you, how CoLab uses it, and with whom CoLab  shares such information. As in everything we do, we tried to make this Privacy Statement seamless and user-friendly; however, should you have any questions about it, please let us know at


This Privacy Statement applies to the processing of personal information by CoLab related to:

  • visitors to CoLab’s websites; and 

  • creation of a user profile required to access paid content on CoLab’s website (including first and last name, email address, place of work, grades, subjects and/or curriculum taught, as well as an identifying photograph)

  • visitors to CoLab’s social media pages that refer to this Privacy Statement (e.g., LinkedIn, Instagram) 

  • clients, prospective clients, and their representatives inquiries about CoLab’s services made to a CoLab representative or made through a CoLab ‘Get a Demo’ page, or similar; 

  • visitors to CoLab’s offices;

  • individuals who submit a request under the “Your Rights” section of this Privacy Statement;

  • attendees at CoLab-sponsored events; and

  • individuals who provide business or other professional services to CoLab.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to the following activities: 

  • Personal information you provide to websites not controlled by CoLab.  CoLab may provide you with links to our clients’ or partners’ website(s) and/or social media page(s) through our website or social media content. CoLab does not have any control over these websites, or the marketing or other technologies they may deploy on those sites.   To the extent such personal information collected through a third party site could be displayed on CoLab’s website, this Privacy Statement will apply to that personal information (e.g., citing a quote made on another website).  Should you have any questions related to these websites, please contact CoLab’s Privacy Officer for how CoLab may use such information, or refer to those websites’ respective privacy policies or statements for further information as to how they process your Personal Information.

Types of Personal Information We Process

For the activities listed within the Scope of this Privacy Statement, CoLab processes the following types of Personal Information:

Information from individuals creating user profiles on our website to access the Platform. Prior to receiving full access to use CoLab’s full suite of services available through CoLab’s website (the “Platform”), each individual wishing to access the Platform will require a user profile. In order to receive a user profile to access the Platform, an individual will be asked to submit to CoLab certain pieces of personal information such as their name, address, age, occupation,  and employer. This information is collected to ensure that the Platform is used by educators in furtherance of CoLab’s mission to improve the quality of education through collaboration.

Information from prospective clients, partners, or event attendees. When you submit a form using our ‘Join Waitlist’ page, ‘Recieve Updates’ page, ‘Gain Early Access’ page, or ‘Contact Us’ page, contact one of our sales representatives directly, leave a review, or attend one of our CoLab-sponsored events, we may require from you certain personal information, namely: your first and last names, e-mail address, telephone number, job title and the type of industry you work in.

CoLab may also use a service to record calls or virtual meetings with current and prospective clients and partners for training and note-taking purposes, in which case your voice and/or images may be captured.  Such information will not be collected by CoLab without first obtaining each participants’ consent and providing an opportunity to withdraw their consent where applicable laws require such notice.

Information from service providers.
In the case of service providers who are providing services to CoLab, CoLab may collect certain information about an employee or employees of the service provider who are engaged in providing the contracted services to CoLab or who are responsible for managing the service provider’s relationship with CoLab.  This information includes: the employee’s first and last name, their role, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Information website visitors provide from their devices. When you use one of your devices (e.g., laptop, mobile phone, desktop computer) to browse our website, we receive certain information about your device, including its hardware model, operating system, browser version, IP addresses, and geographic information derived from IP addresses (e.g., country, province or state, city, postal code, longitude and latitude) and other technical information about the device (e.g., device fingerprint) to help us improve our website experience. We also use cookies, or similar tracking technologies to collect usage statistics when interacting with our site (e.g., content areas visited, time spent on page, date and time of the activity), or improve your experience when interacting with our website. 

Information individuals provide when attending CoLab’ offices. If attending a CoLab office, CoLab may capture images of you by video recording devices in order to maintain the physical security of CoLab’s offices.  CoLab has no control over cameras that may be placed in the common areas of the buildings its offices are located in.

Accuracy of Personal Information

CoLab will do its best to collect personal information directly from you to ensure the accuracy of the personal information we are collecting. Where personal information is held by a third party, we will obtain your consent before seeking such information except for where you have already consented to the sharing of such information with CoLab or your actions have implied that such information may be shared with CoLab. CoLab will take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of information received from third parties, and take reasonable steps to ensure that the third party has represented to us that they have the right to disclose your personal information to us. 

How We Use Your Personal Information

We may use the personal information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To operate and maintain our website;

  • To allow access to the Platform;

  • To improve, enhance, modify, add to, and further develop our website, services, and the Platform;

  • To manage the security of our website and offices, including the investigation of criminal activity or other unauthorized access to our website or offices;

  • To communicate with, and, where necessary, confirm information provided by prospective and current clients, which includes responding to inquiries, and providing a demo of our services; 

  • To maintain our list of prospective and actual clients, partners, service providers, and their respective representatives’ contact information;

  • Where phone calls, meetings, or e-mails are being recorded, for quality assurance training and record keeping purposes 

  • To respond to data subject requests made pursuant to this Privacy Statement, including verifying the identity of the requestor; and

  • To enable us to comply with applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions CoLab operates in.

Should you require further clarification related to any of the purposes for which CoLab uses personal information it collects, please contact CoLab’s Privacy Officer at and upon receiving such a request, our Privacy Officer will reach out to you directly to clarify any of the stated purposes for which personal information is being used.


While CoLab will make its best efforts to obtain your express consent to collect or otherwise process your personal information. CoLab does not consider personal information collected pursuant to this Privacy Statement to be “sensitive personal information” or any similar wording as defined under applicable privacy legislation that may apply to CoLab.  As such, in some cases, your consent may be implied by the actions you take (e.g., reaching out directly to a sales representative requesting a demo). In providing your personal information to us, by any means and whether consent is given explicitly or indirectly, you agree that we may collect, use, disclose or otherwise process your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

In some circumstances, including but not limited to requests from law enforcement or to protect a CoLab employee or other individual(s) personal safety, CoLab may be required to disclose Personal Information without your consent. In those circumstances, if CoLab believes it is necessary and appropriate in the circumstances to disclose your personal information without consent, CoLab will limit the disclosure only to that information which is necessary to fulfill the request.

Collection of Personal Information from Children

CoLab does not market or target its services towards children (individuals under the age of 16).  As such, CoLab will not knowingly collect or ask for personal information belonging to children.  Should a child visit CoLab’s website or submit a request for a user profile in order to access the Platform, CoLab will receive certain personal information that may also be shared with our Cookie and Marketing Technology Providers described below.  In the event this happens, a parent or guardian may contact CoLab’s Privacy Officer to have this information removed. 

Our Use of Marketing Technologies and Disclosure of Personal Information

We may use and share information website visitors provide from their devices as defined above, to maintain and improve our website, or to give you a more personalized browsing experience on our website. We do this through the use of cookies and other marketing technologies provided to us through third parties. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings, cookies may be issued when you visit our site.

If you choose to share our digital content through social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, watch one of our videos posted to a third-party media site, or leave a review of CoLab on a review website, you may be sent cookies from these third-party websites. We do not control the settings of these marketing technologies and cannot verify the content of the data transmitted to the social networks CoLab uses, or how each of them uses such data. Please consult those websites’ privacy policies to learn how you may modify your account settings to manage their cookies and similar technologies.

CoLab may share de-identified, aggregated information collected from by CoLab resulting from your use of our services, however, CoLab does not share any identifiable personal information covered by this Privacy Statement unless otherwise expressly directed by you.

Who We Share Your Information With

Under this Privacy Statement, CoLab will share certain types of personal information with the following types service providers:

  • Voice and / or Video Recordings with current clients or prospects >

    Meeting Recording

  • E-mails which may contain personal information other than business contact information > Customer or Service Ticket Management Platforms

CoLab does not sell or obtain any monetary consideration in exchange for any identifiable personal information collected pursuant to this Privacy Statement.

Your Rights

Depending on where you reside, you may be entitled to exercise certain rights with respect to your personal information under this Privacy Statement.  At CoLab, we want everyone who interacts with Colab’s website, Platform, and employees to have equal privacy rights, and that’s why no matter where you reside, we will use our best efforts to afford you the same rights as others, even where we aren’t required to.

If you have, or believe you have provided CoLab with Personal information subject to this Privacy Statement, you have certain rights that you are entitled to:

  • Access Your Personal Information.  Where CoLab has collected Personal Information pursuant to this Privacy Statement, you have the right to access the records CoLab holds containing your Personal Information.  When making a request to access records containing your Personal Information, please indicate either the specific records you are requesting access to, or if not known, the general type(s) of records your Personal Information may be contained in. Once your request has been received, CoLab will provide those records in a standard format that is readable on most devices (e.g., .pdf, .docx, .csv). 

Should you request physical copies or transcription of any records, CoLab reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs associated with printing or transcribing the records, and any shipping fees associated with the delivery of those records.  CoLab will indicate the cost of such fees, and obtain your approval prior to the processing of any such request.

  • Correct Your Personal Information.  If you believe CoLab holds inaccurate or out-of-date Personal Information related to you and you would like CoLab to update its records, then you have the right to request correction of those records.  When making a request for CoLab to correct your Personal Information, please indicate the information you are requesting correction of, and the correct information that will be updated.

  • Withdrawing Your Consent (i.e. “opting out”). Should you choose to withdraw your consent that permits CoLab to process your Personal Information, please indicate for which purpose(s) you wish CoLab to stop Processing your Personal Information (e.g., for a particular purpose, or for all purposes).  Prior to fulfilling your request, we may inform you of any consequences that withdrawing your consent may have in relation to receiving services pursuant to this Privacy Statement, including, but not limited to the relinquishing of a user profile and related access to the Platform.  

Please note that withdrawing your consent is not the same as requesting that CoLab delete any Personal Information, and CoLab may continue to hold your Personal Information pursuant to any business (e.g., retention) or legal requirements where deletion has not also been requested.   

  • Delete Your Personal Information.  While not required by law everywhere, CoLab lets individuals, regardless of where they reside, have the option to request that CoLab delete their Personal Information permanently.  If you no longer want CoLab to hold Personal Information related to you that is subject to this Privacy Statement, please indicate the specific records, or the types of records containing your personal information you would like CoLab to delete and CoLab will destroy those records subject to any legal or regulatory obligations that might prevent such destruction. 

Make a Complaint. In the event you believe CoLab has collected, used, disclosed, or taken any other action(s) in regard to your Personal Information that you believe may not comply with this Privacy Statement or with applicable privacy legislation, then you are entitled to make a complaint to a regulatory authority (e.g., Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Commission d’Accès à l’Information du Quebec). If you choose to, you may first contact CoLab’s Privacy Officer with the details of your complaint to inform CoLab of such activities in an effort to resolve the issue.  CoLab’s Privacy Officer may contact you with a proposed resolution, and if you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, then you are still entitled to file a formal complaint with the relevant regulatory body.

When a request is received, CoLab’ Privacy Officer may request certain information from you (e.g., name, e-mail address or other information CoLab would already have on file related to you), as well as proof of identification (e.g., drivers’ license or other government issued identification card) in order to verify your identity before processing your request.  In the event CoLab receives a request from a parent or guardian on behalf of an individual, CoLab may also ask for further information to prove the relationship before processing the request.

For any request received, CoLab’s Privacy Officer will respond to your e-mail within 30 days of your request being received, and if an extension is required to respond to or facilitate your request, CoLab’s Privacy Officer will inform you of such an extension and the reasons for it nevertheless within the first 30 days.

CoLab reserves the right to refuse to address requests, questions, or complaints if, in the opinion of CoLab’s Privacy Officer, such request, question, or complaint is vexatious, unfounded, or repetitive in nature. 

Make a Request or Contact CoLab’s Privacy Officer

For any of Your Rights listed above, or any other inquiries related to this Privacy Statement or other privacy-related inquiries related to CoLab or its services, please direct all inquiries to CoLab’s Privacy Officer at

If you wish to exercise “Your Rights” associated with you having linked your bank account with one of our clients’ services, please refer to our Services Privacy Statement before contacting CoLab’s Privacy Officer 

Updates To This Policy

This General Privacy Statement was last updated on May 29, 2024. From time to time, CoLab may update this General Privacy Statement to reflect changes to CoLab’s services or purposes for which CoLab processes personal information, or to comply with new legal requirements.


Whenever CoLab makes an update to this Privacy Statement, CoLab will update its website to provide notice that changes have occurred, and direct individuals to the updated version.