Entrepreneur Spotlight: Tina Singh, creator of Bold Helmets

Bold Vision, Safer Kids

Tina Singh, a dedicated occupational therapist and a proud mother, found herself facing a common yet frustrating challenge: finding a helmet that fit her young sons who wore a patka. This seemingly simple problem ignited a spark within her, leading to the creation of Bold Helmets – a groundbreaking product that is redefining safety and inclusion for children.

Singh’s journey began with a mother’s instinct to protect her children. As an occupational therapist, she understood the importance of helmets in preventing head injuries. However, when traditional helmets failed to accommodate her sons' head coverings, she knew she had to find a solution. Driven by her passion and expertise, she embarked on a mission to design a helmet that would not only be safe but also respectful of cultural and religious practices.

With a deep understanding of human anatomy and function, Singh meticulously crafted a helmet design that incorporated a small domed section to accommodate a child's hair or head covering. After countless hours of research, development, and rigorous safety testing, Bold Helmets was born. This innovative product has not only filled a critical gap in the market but has also become a symbol of hope and empowerment for countless families.

Singh's entrepreneurial spirit, fueled by her dedication to improving the lives of others, is an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. Her journey from occupational therapist to successful business owner demonstrates the power of turning a problem into a purpose. By combining her professional expertise with her personal drive, she has created a product that has a profound impact on the lives of children and their families.

Bold Helmets is more than just a safety product; it's a statement of inclusion and diversity. Singh's work has broken down barriers and created a more inclusive environment for children from all backgrounds to participate in sports and recreational activities without compromising their cultural identity. Her efforts have also sparked important conversations about the need for more diverse and inclusive product design.

Tina Singh's story is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the importance of addressing unmet needs. Bold Helmets is a shining example of how a single individual can make a significant difference in the world. As Singh continues to grow her business and expand her product line, she is undoubtedly inspiring countless others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and create products that make a positive impact on society.

🎧 Listen Now to the Startup Canada Podcast 🎧

For fellow entrepreneurs, this podcast highlights Tina’s journey and includes helpful tips to growing a small Canadian business.

📹 Watch this clip ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ 📹


Gregory Cerallo // X-1 Accelerator


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